GALA 2024 Valencia: the Rise of AI and the Continuity of Human Bonds

This spring, our colleagues attended GALA 2024 in Valencia, joining over 500 members of the global localisation community. GALA conference is a signature event of the Globalisation and Localisation Association (GALA), aimed at bringing together a community of professionals to share knowledge, expand contacts and renew motivation. As always, beyond the eye-opening presentations and hands-on workshops, the true highlight was the people, radiating unique personalities and fostering an atmosphere of openness and warmth.

A central theme at this year’s conference was artificial intelligence (AI), explored in more nuanced ways than ever before. Industry leaders tackled critical topics, such as the ethical implications of AI and the importance of adhering to ISO guidelines for AI-based applications. While concerns about AI replacing human jobs persist, it’s evident that the industry is transforming from mere translation providers to strategic advisory partners. AI promises to enhance quality and scalability for clients, but it still requires human oversight – as Betty Galiano, a localisation expert from Argentina, eloquently put it, “No surfboard can navigate waters without a surfer.”

Inclusivity was another actively discussed topic at GALA 2024. Different speakers addressed making content accessible to individuals with disabilities and ensuring critical information is comprehensible to everyone, regardless of language proficiency or cognitive abilities. Industry experts shared strategies like Plain and Easy Language and Neurocopywriting. The conclusion is clear: language professionals have the tools to contribute to a more inclusive society, offering businesses and organizations the opportunity to expand their reach by leveraging linguistic skills.

This was TOFT International’s second attendance at the GALA conference, perfectly fulfilling our hunger for knowledge and boosting our capabilities as localisation service providers. And it definitely won’t be the last.

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